Ways for Kids to Make Money

Like adults kids too appreciate spending. To instill money management skills and responsibility it is important to have the basic money earning skills. Depending on the kind of job and the location, the amount of money earned by kids will be different.

If you are looking for ways to make money you can share with us.

1. Pet Sitter

This happens to be an easy way of making cash for kids. Pet sitting involves taking care of the pets especially feeding them when the pet owners are unavailable. Per sitters have the advantage of offering to other petty jobs such as watering indoor plants, receiving mail and newspaper when you are not home.

2. Babysitter

Babysitting is also a source of income inflow for teens. The Red Cross offers prerequisite skills in babysitting which may come in handy especially if you have neighbors or family friends with kids that need a hand in taking care of them. You may also be a mother’s helper and assist with the running of small errands while the mother stays at home to help.

3. Lawn Mowing

This is suitable for kids who like to handle machines such as the lawn mower or spend most of their time doing outdoor activities. Such a skill can come in handy as it may be used to generate some income when the homeowner is away or if the homeowner would like to delegate that duty to someone else.

4. Yard Work

Manual work such as raking, planting and watering of flowers and other compound activities can be partaken by teens who would like to generate some income.

5. Dog Walker

Dog walking is a great summer time job that can be used to generate some income. For pet lovers this would an enjoyable opportunity that doubles up as a money making exercise. It is important that before you take the dog for walking ensure that you can handle the pet and above all you are comfortable with it.

6. Working Retail

The laws in different states have restrictions prohibiting employment of minors and therefore you need to familiarize with the applicable laws and if possible acquire a working permit before doing this kind of job.

7. Family Business

When running a family business, minors tasks such as filing, envelope stuffing and mailing, sorting stuff and any other task you deem less demanding can be carried out by kids.